Time Management Tips for Bloggers

Hello my KMD lovelies!,

Last month, a lot of you loved my blog post on 5 Tips for New Bloggers.  I did a poll and question on my Instagram and asked if you all wanted more Blogger Tips blog posts.  A lot of you really wanted me to do another post so here it is!

I thought the next post I can do is on Time Management.  Blogging takes a lot of work and time – something that I didn’t even consider.  Most people just thinking blogging is all about taking a pretty picture and writing about it.  But in reality, a lot of time and planning goes into that one single picture.  My friends and family always wonder how I’m managing a full time job, my blog, a marriage and socializing.  All of it is done with proper time management.  Below are some tips I have for time management and how I *try* to stay on top of it.

Get a planner

I love a good traditional paper planner – it’s just what works best for me.  But whether you use a paper planner or a digital planner, make sure to plan out your content.  If you have your content planned out, it will take less time to shoot pictures/write blog posts when you already know what you’re going to do.



Batch your content

I love to batch my content.  With a full time job, I don’t have the time to take pictures daily (or even weekly) for my blog.  So, I shoot on a monthly basis and this is where the planner comes in handy.  I shoot a month ahead for the following month’s content.    I also edit my pictures and plan out my Instagram posts (using Later) on the last weekend of the previous month.

For example, for June’s blog post pictures, I would shoot in May.  I would also plan out the Instagram posts for the month (using Later) during the last weekend in May.  When I keep a schedule like this, it’s so helpful since I’m not spending hours every day working on content.

Working on a photoshoot with Kristin of Kristin Magdalene


Make the Time for Blogging

This may sound silly but if you don’t make the time for blogging then how can you blog, right?  Time management does not come easy but it can only be done if you make the time for it.  If you have a brunch or a friend’s baby’s birthday, etc, you take the time out of your life and go attend it.  Same thing applies to blogging, you have to make the time for it.  So take out a whole Saturday a month (that’s what I do) or one night a week.   People make time for things that are important to them.  So, if you can make the time to attend important events and you want to start blogging, then you can also make time to blog.

Blogger Xchange Memphis Happy Hour
Goal Setting Sheet helps to make time to blog


Cut out the “Time Wasters”

This one goes hand-in-hand with the point above.  If you’re wondering that you don’t have the time to blog, then write down where you spend your time and cut out activities that take up a majority of your time.  Things like playing video games or binging Netflix can be replaced with time that you can use for blogging.  I’m super guilty of this myself but I thought I should mention it as I’m always trying to improve my time management skills

Making sure I waste less time shopping and more time blogging.

So there you have it!  Some time management tips for all of you who want to start a blog.  Which tip are you willing to try?  Let me know in the comments below!

Time Manage 02

9 thoughts on “Time Management Tips for Bloggers

  1. Time management is still something that I’m trying to work on and I’m more than a year into blogging! Pre-covid, I used to do shoots on a bimonthly basis and planned out content two weeks ahead. Now, I’m trying to readjust and will probably change up my strategy since we’re still basically in quarantine. Thanks for the tips!

    1. I’m still working on time management too. I thought I had it together but then we had Covid hit us. Luckily, all of us bloggers are in the same spot. Let me know if you have some tips for blog planning during Covid!

  2. These are some amazing tips Komal🤗
    Thank you for sharing these tips❤️

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