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Happy One Year to the KMD Blog!

Hello my KMD lovelies!,

I can’t believe it’s been a year since the re-launch of my blog!  Whew, that flew by really past!  Thank you to each and every one of you who have been following along and stuck around.  I know it’s been quite a crazy journey but here we are, one year later.

Happy One Year Anniversary to Komal Means Delicate!

My first ever blogger series with the local Memphis Bloggers.

Most of you don’t know but I had actually started this blog back in the Summer of 2016.  Back then, I would write movie reviews for movies that I had seen before they had come out in movie theaters (tip: yes, you can see advance movie screenings- just google it!).  I had only done a couple of those posts and just didn’t find the motivation nor the time due to my new job and start of grad school (even though I still don’t have much time now).  Then in the start of 2018, I kept thinking that I should re-launch my blog, but I just couldn’t get the courage to do so.  No one was reading it besides my sister or husband and I just didn’t find the motivation to relaunch it.

One day out of the blue, I stumbled across bloggers on Instagram.  I never used to focus much on bloggers in any other form of social media but for some reason, I just happened to be doing so that day.  I had talked to my husband and told him how I should be an Instagram to go with my blog, so it holds me accountable to make posts and updates (which actually worked, haha).  He was on board and super supportive, but I was still very hesitant.  Then, another day out of the blue, I made an Instagram and made my first post (which I have since archived)!  BOOM!  I instantly got tons of likes and interactions.  It was a nice feeling that people cared enough to appreciate my picture.  Eventually, I had relaunched my blog and posted my first comeback post.  This post had received so many more views than my previous movie reviews did, and I really felt happy that people were interested in reading what I had to say.  I knew a lot of readers came from my blogger Instagram, so I continued to use that Instagram to grow with my blog.

Now we are here a year later and still going!  I’m so happy that I haven’t stopped blogging, even though you see me disappear for a bit on here, my Instagram is always active and it does keep me accountable to post – my idea had worked!  I’m so happy that you are still with me for this journey and can’t wait for what the next year has to bring for me!  With this celebration, I wanted to share some tips for those who are looking to start a blog – and I know a few of you are as you have asked me for advice (you know you are 😉 ).

Just showing my personality in a fun shoot.

Just go out and do it!

I know it sounds scary to just put your life out there- trust me, I still freak out at times.  However, just remember that most people who read your blog or any social media connected to it are those who are interested in your content.  You interact with so many people that are truly there to support you, your niche, your brand, etc.

Be consistent

This is one I struggle with constantly just due to my schedule (full-time job, part-time grad student) however, I still try to take out time each week to dedicate to the blog.  Make a schedule and stick to it.  If you want to post blog posts every Wednesday and post to Instagram every other day, then do it.  Choose what schedule works for you and just stick to it.  Chances are more people will read your blog if you have a consistent schedule.  Think about it, have you ever watched a TV show that had a different time slot every week?  Same applies here- scheduling is key!

Time Management

A lot of people ask me how I’m able to do it all- work, grad school, blog, etc.  However, the truth is, I don’t even know how I do it all.  In reality, my main two priorities are work and school and unfortunately, my blog comes last.  This is why you see me disappear for periods on the blog because I’m either studying for exams or completing a huge project at work.  Sometimes, when there are weeks of freedom from work and school (like summer break), I like to pre-plan a few blog posts and schedule them so that it looks like there are no gaps.  I’m still learning how to manage and incorporate the blog into my life, but I always make sure to keep my Instagram up-to-date.  I love using scheduling apps like Later, Hootsuite, etc.  I can schedule many posts in advance so when midterms/finals weeks are coming, I don’t have to worry about posting anything and it looks like I’m active.  If you want something to work then you have to make time for it, one way or another.  Even though, my blog comes last (as of now), I still try to incorporate it in my life and that’s all it takes.

Supporting local bloggers at an event in town.


Engagement is key!  Interact with your audience, readers, follower, whatever you want to call it.  I have made so many friends in this blogging community by simply just interacting with a lot of people- especially the local Memphis Blogging Community.  I would say to definitely interact with your local metropolitan area bloggers.  I was scared at first being the new blogger in town, but a lot of the local bloggers were so welcoming and friendly that I felt right at home.  Some of these people, I have even known at a personal level and have introduced to family (you know you are).  Another great thing about this blogging community is that its global and you’ll never feel alone.  For instance, I have a blogger bestie in Ireland and never thought that we would meet up.  Low and behold, we were both in NYC for Christmas and actually met up (she even got to meet my siblings and hubbie).  What were the odds of that?  So, make sure to engage with your audience- it’s worth it!

I would say to definitely interact with your local metropolitan area bloggers.  I was scared at first being the new blogger in town, but a lot of the local bloggers were so welcoming and friendly that I felt right at home.  Some of these people, I have even known at a personal level and have introduced to family (you know you are).

Another great thing about this blogging community is that its global and you’ll never feel alone.  For instance, I have a blogger bestie in Ireland and never thought that we would meet up.  Low and behold, we were both in NYC for Christmas and actually met up (she even got to meet my siblings and hubbie).  What were the odds of that?  So, make sure to engage with your audience- it’s worth it!

Finally, when interacting with your audience, be more personal.  I always end my comments with a “Thank you, [insert name here]” or when leaving a comment on new interaction, I usually use their name in the comment.  Something along the lines of the “You look fabulous, [insert name here]!”  Most other bloggers/influencers/content creators/etc have their name listed in their Instagram profile and people like that you took the extra second to read their name.

Having fun with my travels as a blogger.

Be you and have fun with it!

At the end of the day, this is your blog and your space.  Do what you want with it and have fun!  Blogging is a lot of work, which I didn’t think so initially however, I’ve gotten to really enjoy it and have fun with it.  I’ve also grown with it and changed my niche from just travel to now travel, fashion and lifestyle.  Be open to change and enjoy what comes your way.  It’s a fun and crazy journey but I wouldn’t have had it any other way so neither should you!

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